Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Light The Night Blues

So the Light The Night Walk is less than two weeks away. I have to say I'm a little disappointed this year. Our team is only half the size it was last year and the fundraising hasn't gone as well as I'd hoped. I've already lowered our team goal twice, from a lofty $5000, to a more reasonable $2500, and recently down to $1000. I've also lowered my personal goal to $100. As of today, the team has raised $645 online. One way that Maria, Vivian and I are trying to raise money is by selling candy at work. We sell candy for $1 each to our co-workers and all the profit (just under 50 cents) goes towards our Light The Night goals. It's an easy way to raise money without having to constantly bother our friends and family for donations. We haven't added that money to our total yet, so I'm hoping for at least $200-250 more between the three of us.

It just seems like people aren't as interested this year in walking, and/or raising money. My only guess is that last year, both Sarah and I were in the thick of dealing with cancer and treatment, so we had a lot more people who wanted to be there and support us. Since we are both now in remission and back to our normal lives, I think some people have moved on. I really do appreciate those who signed up this year and who are trying to raise money. I'm glad people want to be there to support me, but unfortunately, it doesn't help cancer research and save lives unless they also fundraise. Maybe I have the wrong attitude about it. I just can't help that I feel disappointed this year. I'm sure the day of the walk, it'll be great to see everyone there for a good cause and to know that whatever amount we come up with is more than if we didn't do anything at all.

It's not too late for you to donate!