Monday, October 12, 2009

An unwanted change

Each Monday after radiation I am scheduled to meet with my doctor. The only problem is, they have changed my doctor on me. Back in August, I first met with my radiation oncologist, Dr. Schultz and a resident, Dr. Wood. Then in September, I saw Dr. Wood again at the radiation planning session.

I remember being told briefly that Dr. Schultz would be out of the office, but I thought it was just at the end of September and beginning of October. To my surprise, when I received my radiation schedule, I saw that I was actually going to be seeing a Dr. Gore each week. I wasn't sure what happened to Dr. Schultz but since I only met with him once, it wasn't a big deal. I figured at least I would still have Dr. Wood, who I really liked. He explained things thoroughly and just came across friendly and knowledgeable.

Today, while waiting to see Dr. Gore, a new resident came in. Her name was Dr. Siker. I can't say I liked the change. It may be too early for me to judge since I didn't have any questions or issues to discuss, but when she came in the room, she didn't seem very prepared and seemed in a rush. She had to look up on the computer what I was being treated for and what part of me was being treated. Other than asking me if I had any problems, side-effects or questions, she quickly looked in my throat, which seemed like an afterthought. She and the nurse then left the room. Her whole interaction with me was maybe 60 seconds.

After a few minutes waiting, Dr. Gore came into the room, with Dr. Siker and the nurse behind her. She said that even though we hadn't met before, she "knew all about me," and explained that the residents rotate every 3 months, so Dr. Wood was now at a different hospital and Dr. Siker was the new resident. She also mentioned that Dr. Schultz was out of the office and she took over some of his patients. I mentioned to her that I've had a weird taste in my mouth lately, and she stated that was normal. She then confirmed that I had no other questions or issues and that was it. Again, it couldn't have been more than a minute total. I literally spent more time in the office alone waiting for them to see me than the time that was actually spent meeting with me. I hate when that happens.

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