Thursday, October 1, 2009

My new look

I really lost a lot of hair during chemo - not all of it - but a lot. Every day I have hair in my hands after shampooing, my towel is full after drying off, and there is hair all over the bathtub, sink, floor, etc. My pillow and even the headrests in our car have my hair all over them!

Although I'm now done with chemo, I know it will probably take awhile for my hair to start growing back in and I just couldn't stand the way it looked any longer. I normally have a thick head of hair that I style to ensure I leave the house looking good. Since starting chemotherapy, my hair, especially the top, is so thin that just trying to style it and make it look decent each day was a frustrating experience. So on Tuesday, I finally took the plunge and had my hair buzzed off.

my new (and hopefully temporary) look

In the photo, it may look like I have a normal amount of hair still, but I really don't. In person, you can see tons of my scalp. I can't say that I love my new look, but it will be less irritating for the time being. Plus, I do have my cool fedora to wear as needed.


  1. Looks good, Michael! My mom decided to shave the rest of her's off too because she was so sick of it falling out everywhere!

  2. I happen to think it looks very nice! I like the buzzed look on you :)


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