Friday, August 21, 2009

I HATE CANCER! (a rant)

Why is there cancer? That's something I ask myself almost every day. I hate it. I hate having it. I hate that others get it. I especially hate that many people die from it. Already in my life, I've had my grandma that I was closest to die from lung cancer because she was a smoker. Seeing her towards the end was so scary and very sad. She regretted the years of smoking as she laid there dying. Our friend's dad had to be treated for prostate cancer last year, but at least is doing great now. A former co-worker friend had Hodgkin's Lymphoma about 12 years ago and kicked it's ass! Sarah, who I only knew as the sister of a friend of a friend originally, now is my lifelong cancer buddy (whether she knows it or not) since she was also going through chemotherapy for Hodkin's Lymphoma at the time I found out that I had it. She has been such a big help to me, answering my questions and just sharing her opinions on what we've each been dealing with. Although she has had a hard road to recovery, she is finally done with chemotherapy and doesn't have to have radiation and today she is cancer-free! But then yesterday, I got a message from another former co-worker friend that her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in June, which has now spread to her lymph nodes. This just sucks so much. I don't even know the woman yet I began to cry when writing my friend back. I wish her and her family the best on what I imagine will be a long road to recovery.

I really wish my friends and family would stop smoking, cut down on drinking, eat healthier food, exercise, and do the best they can to prevent getting cancer, because I'm only 31 and cancer has already affected my life and the life of people I know and care about in so many ways, that I just can't take anymore.

I really hope they figure this cancer shit out some day and there really is a cure or even better, a way to prevent it. I know treatment options have come a long way over the last 30 years, but there is still a long way to go. That is why I decided to walk to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society next month and will continue to do so every year until I no longer can.

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