Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Time for a new PET... and not the fluffy kind!

Today I had another PET scan. It was supposed to happen Monday, but the machine wasn't working right so they called me to reschedule. I thought I would be more nervous than I was. It was pretty uneventful. I was hoping they wouldn't use the port to put the radioactive tracer in me - and they didn't. I also got to listen to music on my iPhone during the 45 minute sit-and-be-still while the radioactive shit works its way around, as well as during the actual scan. I chose one of my favorites, Jason Mraz, to listen to because his music is very calm yet awesome.

Maria took off work to take me to the scan, although I could have went alone. It really was no big deal. It was nice though that we got to have breakfast together afterwards before she headed to work for the remainder of today.

I'll find out the results of the scan tomorrow when I see my oncologist and get my 5th chemo treatment. As usual, I'm not looking forward to treatment and the week of feeling like crap. I'm hoping the PET scan comes back with good results - then I will truly know the chemo is working and the crap that goes along with it is worth it. I keep hoping that the scan will come back showing the cancer is gone already, but I don't know how realistic that is. It sure would be nice though.

Tonight I have class. 3 classes left and I will have officially earned my A.A.S. degree in Marketing Management. I'm so ready for a break from school. You would think that since I'm not working, school would be a welcome change and I'd be happy to attend class each week and do homework for something to do, but that's not how I feel at all. I've been going for 2 years straight with no breaks and I'm ready to be done for the time being.

My team for the the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Light The Night Walk keeps on growing and raising money! It is really awesome. Just over a week and the team has already raised $1085.00! I had to raise the goal again - to $2000 - so that there is always something to strive for. Our team will likely have over 20 people participating in the walk on September 17th!

Remember, if you haven't already, please sponsor me and donate whatever you can using this link. Every little bit helps towards fighting blood cancers such as Leukemia and Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

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