Monday, September 14, 2009

Light The Night Walk: Update

It's only a few days until the Light The Night Walk for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This past Saturday, we held our yard sale and lemonade stand as planned. Two of our friends that are walking on Thursday, Jada and Vivian, participated in the sale, while we also received additional items to sell from my mom and our friends Nicole, Jerry and Heather.

We decided not to put prices on our yard sale items in hopes that people would offer more since all proceeds were going to charity. I'm not sure that actually was the case as people seemed to be bargain hunting and there were quite a few things that sold for less than I would have liked. The good thing is some people did give above and beyond, so that helped make up for the cheapskates. :)

We sold cups of lemonade for any donation amount and candy bars for $1 each. Vivian also grilled hot dogs and sold them for $1 during the sale. Although we still had a lot of items left at the end of the sale (that were then donated to Goodwill), we did raise over $260 from the yard sale, plus the additional donations from the lemonade, hot dog, and candy sales. In the end, over $300 was raised for LLS.

I was worried for awhile that our team may not make the $2000 goal I set for it a few weeks back, but as of right now, the team has raised $2190 online. Maria (with help from Vivian) has been selling candy bars at work to help reach her goal. Once the yard sale and candy bar proceeds are submitted and everybody turns in any cash and check donations they have received, our team will have raised over $2500 - probably more!

Remember, it's not too late to donate! Click here to donate to me or click here to donate to Maria. Any amount is appreciated!

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