Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The last two weeks

Since my last treatment two weeks ago, I've been feeling pretty crappy at some point each day. It mainly comes at night. I feel very run down and exhausted as well as cold. I cover up with a blanket and have even been wearing a sweatshirt around the house. It seems like this started when the weather changed from warm summer to cool fall. I seem to be one of those people that is affected by drastic changes in the weather, but usually I only feel bad for a day or so. This has lasted well over a week - since last week Tuesday.

Maria, my parents and even my friend Patti Anne told me they think it's related to me trying to do too much too soon after my last treatment. They are probably right. We've been having our bathroom remodeled and last week I was running lots of errands and was in and out of multiple stores each day. On Saturday, we went to the zoo, then to dinner, and then out with friends to celebrate my earning of an Associate degree. On Sunday we attended my father-in-law's birthday party, then later that night and the next morning I painted our bathroom. Again, I felt like crap at some point each day. The last day or two I've been trying to take it easy and relax because I want to make sure I get my 2nd to last chemotherapy treatment tomorrow. I'm going to tell Julie, the nurse practitioner, how I've been feeling to see if she is concerned about it. I think its probably a combination of the cold yucky weather, running myself ragged, and maybe even a low white blood cell count.

I'm really looking forward to being done with chemotherapy. Although I was initially scared of getting radiation treatments, at this point, I'm OK with it and almost welcome the change. Although I know there are people having to go through worse chemotherapy treatments than the type I receive, this hasn't been a walk on the beach for me and the end cannot come soon enough.

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