Thursday, June 25, 2009

After the second treatment

I got finished with my second treatment about an hour ago. I was nervous before and during the process. The nurse told me that my lab results showed my neutrophil (a type of white blood cell) count was low. She said I may not feel any different though. Besides the standard advice of avoiding crowds and washing my hands, I can also help by eating more protein and eating cooked vegetables instead of fresh. That sucks because I just bought a bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables thinking the vitamins would be good for me. Apparantly the bacteria on fresh produce could make me sick. So I'll need to thoroughly wash what I eat and I'll probably switch to canned and frozen produce unless I know that I'll be cooking it.

Because of this, I'll probably skip the Barenaked Ladies show on Saturday. I will probably go to the No Doubt concert next week since we purchased tickets months ago. I'll just show up right when it starts and leave immediately afterwards.

So as long as you and the people around you aren't sick, I'd love to have friends and family visit me this summer since I won't be going out as much. Feel free to call, write, or text me if you feel like coming around. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll come, I'm not scared a' no cancer! Wait, it's not contageous is it? Just kidding.

    Would you be up for a lunchtime visit on the 1st? I'll call you.


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