Saturday, June 13, 2009

Waiting for the sickness to start

Since getting my first treatment on Thursday, I've been waiting for the sickness to come. So far, it really hasn't. I suspect it may take another treatment or two before I really feel anything. Yesterday I had some feeling of nausea but nothing major. Eating actually helped it go away. I haven't felt very tired yet either, at least not any more than usual. Today, which is the day I expected to really start feeling sick, hasn't been bad. I actually noticed in the mirror that the lump in my neck has already gotten a bit smaller. The doctor said I would see it start to go down pretty fast, within the first week even, but I didn't expect to see it shrinking only two days in.

I still feel a little bit of pain from the port they put in, but pretty much only when I bend my arm or neck certain ways. So far, things are going pretty smoothly, but I can't help but wonder when that will change.

I did get some bad news yesterday from the job I was hoping to get. Basically they loved me and really wanted to hire me but couldn't pay me what I asked for. That sucks, but I guess that gives me more time right now to focus on getting better. It was probably meant to be.

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