Sunday, July 26, 2009

I hate this port

For the second time in a row, the lab tech at the hospital had trouble with my port. She stuck the needle in me but couldn't get it to do what it needed to do. She got a nurse to come help her and they ended up pulling the first needle out, pressed on my clavicle somewhat to make the port move a bit, and stuck me with another needle. At least the second one worked. I explained to the nurse how there was trouble last time as well, including abnormal bleeding after my treatment. She knew the bleeding was unusual but didn't know for sure why that would have happened. I really hope they don't have issues every time. I know the port makes administering the chemo easier, but I really do hate it. I think about it constantly. I can't get comfortable at times because of it, I feel it under my skin and I swear, even inside me. I just want it gone, but I will make it through this.

After the blood draws were taken, Maria and I went to the day hospital to check in for my chemo. We were about 15-20 minutes early, but we didn't have anything else to do. My chemo was scheduled for 2:30pm. Around 3:00pm I went up to the reception desk to find out what the hold up was. Apparently my lab results showed something that was making them wait to find out if they could even give me the chemo that day. Of course this was concerning. What if they didn't give me the chemo? Would I have to come back the next day to try again? Would I have to keep trying everyday until my lab results showed it was OK to proceed? Finally around 3:30pm I overheard someone (a nurse maybe?) on the phone asking if they could get started on my treatment. The day hospital waiting room was nearly empty by this time. I overheard that they were given the OK to proceed by Julie, the nurse practitioner that works with my oncologist. The nurse administering my chemo told me that my white blood cell counts were lower than they would have liked, however, I had previously been given chemo when the counts were even lower. Maria and I finally left the hospital around 6:00pm. It was a long day.

So far, the side effects seem to be happening as they normally do. On both Friday and Saturday, nothing tasted normal or good, especially beverages. I don't really love water, but that's what I've been drinking because juice and soda all tasted terrible to me. I've also been pretty tired, lying around and napping for most of Saturday and today. I can feel my mouth starting to hurt as well. I just have to remember, by Wednesday - maybe Thursday - most of this will be over and I'll be feeling fairly normal again. Until next week of course.

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