Thursday, July 23, 2009

Numero cuatro

This afternoon I will be receiving my fourth chemotherapy treatment. I can't say that I've been looking forward to it. I never look forward to treatment days. I know it's helping me, but it's just the thought of all those chemicals going into me and the following week of various side effects, that make me dread treatment days. I wish this was all over. Sometimes it does seem to be going fast. After today, I'm pretty much halfway done with chemo treatments (as far as I know). The PET scan that I get before my next treatment will help the oncologist determine how much longer I'll need chemotherapy.

Next week will be two months since I found out I had cancer. Like many have already told me, getting downsized earlier this year really is a blessing in disguise. I've spoken to several of my former co-workers and things just sound insane there. I don't think working in that stressful of an environment would be good for me. So although I get bored a lot just sitting at home with no job, no one to talk to, and nothing interesting to do (or the energy to do it some days), at least I don't have that to deal with. Maybe by the time I'm done with all this in September/October *crosses fingers*, the job market will have improved some and I can find a good job, hopefully in the marketing arena, that maybe even offers tuition reimbursement. That would be ideal anyways.

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