Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Light The Night Walk: Getting Started

A couple weeks ago, Maria found out that the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society would be holding its annual Light The Night Walk in September. We decided right away that we would do the walk and try to raise some money. I didn't think about it much after that until last week, when I had lunch with Jada and asked her to join our team. Of course, being the friend that she is, said "yes" immediately. I probably could have asked her to do something crazy, like swimming with piranhas for charity, and she would have still said "yes." (Thanks Jada!)

So yesterday, while sitting around, taking it easy after my most recent treatment, I finally got around to typing up an email to all our friends and family, asking them to join the team and/or donate. I also talked to my mom to see if she and my step-dad Cameron would walk with us.

Now, less than 24 hours later, several people have joined our team and they have already raised $130! That's pretty awesome. Also, I am not the only person directly affected by Hodgkin's Lymphoma on our team. Rebecca, a friend/former co-worker battled Hodgkin's twelve years ago and is doing great after all these years! Sarah was diagnosed with Hodgkin's in February. Her most recent scan came back cancer-free (yay!) and now she is just finishing up her course of chemotherapy. Since Sarah was ahead of me in her diagnosis and treatments, she was able to answer questions I had and let me know that what I was experiencing was "normal." I am so glad they have both signed up for the walk and are already raising money!

Maria is planning on doing some fundraising at work, while I need to think of things I can do from home this summer to raise money. Since I'm stuck in the house most of the time, I've given myself a small goal of raising $50.00, although more would be nice!

With that in mind, I'm asking all my friends and family reading this blog to consider donating to this worthwhile cause. It doesn't have to be much, especially in this rough economy, but any little bit helps.

You can donate cash or checks to me directly or use a credit/debit card online here.

If you would like to join the team and walk with us, you can do so here.

Thanks for reading and I plan to update this blog with our team's progress periodically.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mikey...I don't know what to say that could make this ugly thing go away any faster. Like you...I had my turn in January. I had surgery to remove a pre-cancerous mass from my pancreas. That was suckey to say the least. My surgeon really made me feel good when he told me I broke the record for having a drain in me for 5 months. I worked with it in and even started to run. I never had chemo but the whole thing doesn't sound like much fun. I'm going to talk to Melissa and we might be a part of your team! I miss you and Maria and you are both in my prayers...Sandi


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